Check, One Two

We needed to set up this afternoon for tonight’s gig, as they close the pub from teatime until 7.30 to give everyone a rest before the night ahead. It also means that no one can hang around, as tonight is an all ticket affair.
My blip of this day last year was almost the same. We are certainly the same band playing at the same venue but this year we have a stand in drummer and both guitarists. Last year was a bit of a baptism of fire for Lloyd as it was his first gig with us, standing in for Stuart who was playing elsewhere. Twelve months on and he’s fitted right in to our setup, so it should be a bit more organised this year.
Talking of which, we have ditched the hired in PA of last year and are using one we have put together from what we own between us. Didn’t have time on Thursday night to do much other than check it could handle the band at full tilt, so we took advantage of this afternoon to really dial in the vocals, the in-ear monitors and my bass, only leaving the guitars to fine tune during soundcheck tonight.
Looking back at last year’s blip, the major concern was whether we might all be struck down with Covid (Omicron was all around us) but it proved not to be. By contrast, this year, everyone in the band is either suffering from, or recovering from, this lurgy that has been doing the rounds. I feel a bit better than yesterday so am fairly confident of getting through to the end, but I’m definitely looking forward to a day of rest tomorrow!

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