Top ten

The last day of 2022 and I have been considering my reading year. I read 52 books, an average of one a week sounds about right. Almost all my reading has been fiction, half of it newly-published contemporary fiction. I have read for book prizes, for book groups and books from my shelves. 

Here are my ten top reads of 2022 - two I have had to add as the originals are 'out' - one with a daughter and one with a neighbour.

The criteria for my top books: 
I must have enjoyed reading them obviously, but they must have offered something more - made me think, made me see something in a different way, engaged me with a character. These are the books that have stayed with me, I still think about them. Then the writing must be so good that I would be quite happy to read them again . . . and again.  

So to the end of the year and what a year!

Wishing everyone a peaceful, joyful 2023. 
May there be much love and kindness surrounding us all. 

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