New Years Eve

This year has seen lots of happiness with Mr R and the wildlings.  We've had lots of family days together.  The zoo, gymnastics,  butlins,  cinema dates forest walks and much more. We have also had some challenging times with illnesses , sick bugs, hospital visits,  my shoulder surgery,  my poor father in law and nearly losing my mother in law. Family connections have been made through messages and maybe next year in person. Friendships have grown, I turned 40. Also another year with hardly any sleep. That won't change for a while. 

Blip has been a constant.  The virtual friendships I have made and you have gotten to see the wildlings grow this year. My blip friends and family have been such a great support and I love to follow all your journals. I never get round to replying to comments and you are all so kind to that fact. I miss the people we have lost on blip and as a community we all came together . 

2023 has some exciting times ahead. My little Jedi starts nursery and he will have the right staff to support him on his journey.  I start a new job. And we have another family holiday to butlins planned.. 

My nephew has enjoyed staying the night. I have added a extra of him amd Xander when they were wee. It was a early start for both the boys and myself as my nephew had a nosebleed just after 4 am and they couldn't get back to sleep. I had also been up with Harp not long after 2am. 
We have had a day of playing on the switch, the trains, some race car track, and generally just enjoying ourselves. 

I'm now trying to get organised for tomorrow.  I still need a couple of things food wise. But the list is looking good. 

I want to wish you all a happy new year when it comes. And I hope its filled with happiness.  Much love to you all. Xx 

One of my extras is of our river that burst it's banks yesterday.  So awful and sad for businesses and people.  

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