Limestone Cliffs

I see a dragon.  I guess it's a bit like cloud watching.  We all see different things.

We left Glenmac this morning, dropped my van in Duntroon so that the friend I'm travelling with could cycle more of the Alps to Ocean (A2O) trail.  I drove her van (with a bike rack) on to Island Cliffs where I picked her up after she rode that far.

We then called in on fellow blipper Mima and the delightful Bean.  Lovely to meet another blipper and to have a good natter over a cup of tea.  Wonderful place you have there Mima and thank you for the raspberries!

After that we made our way into Oamaru for some shopping (yay for Whitestone cheese), before heading back out to Duntroon to pick up my van.  

I do my best to avoid all festivities so it's probably early to bed for me tonight - to avoid any New Year's Eve partying.

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