
With a half-time lead of 20-12, Edinburgh's rugby team seemed to be on course to restore the sporting balance with Glasgow, following Celtic's rout of Hibs on Wednesday. However, twenty second-half points from Glasgow (including a fine try played out right in front of me) were answered only by a try with three seconds to play, so earned Glasgow a 32-25 win. I've never seen it before but, understandably, Edinburgh opted not to attempt to convert their final try, as that would have ended the game with a 32-27 loss, at best. They chose to let Glasgow kick off to give themselves the chance to level the match.

On my way to the game I'd met up with ex-MSc and (not my) ex-PhD student M and her boyfriend G in a Bruntsfield pub. I've not seen M for a couple of years, but I gave her a lot of support over the years and we're good friends. Since G is from Edinburgh, and M is from Bangkok, they've beaten the odds by staying together - thanks to G getting an academic position in Bangkok. It's such a sweet story.

The less said about the morning dog walk - which came at the end of about 12 hours of heavy rain - the better! See extra!

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