Pineapple Sage again

A rather jumbled day at work today - lots of little jobs achieved but not many big ones. Ah well, some days the little jobs have to take precedence (or force themselves into precedence).

After work I picked Kiwilizzie up and we dashed out for a coffee at the Red Barn (of course). Not the norm for a Monday but somehow today warranted one. Then back home, light the fire, bring the wood in and fill the bird feeders for tomorrow. Then I realised I hadn't brought home the work I intended to do so dashed back to work (all of 500 metres down the road) to pick it up.

I did take some photos of students at their sports trials today but they were a disappointing bunch - the photos not the students. So I was lamenting the lack of blip mojo when the pineapple sage at the Red Barn gifted me this bee. I like the way she appears to be backlit here although the light was actually behind me. I think this was caused by the light bouncing off the cafe window behind the plant.

It is late in the year and they are working frantically to gather while they can. I was going to crop in closer on the bee but am fascinated that this shows how innovative the bees are - the throats of the sage flowers are so long that they can't get down them, so they rip a hole in the flower and feed through it. I wonder how long it took them to work that one out.

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