
7°C  -  17 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  33 mph Gusts  -  Rainy Showers.  Shopped in Aldis this morning  -  it was packed full!  My blip is the Christmas card I received today  -  I was rejoicing at how quickly it had been delivered because the postmark was 27th December  -  that is three days with a second-class stamp, but when reading what my friend B had written inside my heart sunk.  Her husband J had died recently and so had one of their dogs.  B and J used to live next door to me before they moved into the town. J had always been so helpful to me when I need repairs to my house, or anything to do with the garden  -  I have known them for over thirty years and we’ve always kept in touch and occasionally bumped into each other when shopping in the same place.  I feel strange that he is no longer with us!

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