
Sometimes, you just want what you want, now!

Sad news of Pele passing, of course we all knew it was going to happen, but nevertheless, the actuality of it gives pause for thought.

Needed to nip across the line to the U.S. to pick up a parcel or two. 
Should have taken no more than 40 minutes to get to the border, go through the Nexus line, pick up the parcels at the shipping office, and get back home again after going back through the Canadian border.
"Nipped" turned out to be a tad optimistic.
At the US border, the officer told me that one of the numbers on my Nexus card didn't match my documents, so inside I had to go to get it sorted for the future. 
Why did it happen after 4 years of using the card? The U.S. border guys don't know either.
That took about 60 minutes by itself.
Then 200 meters to the shipping office and back again across the border. 
The Canadian officer didn't need any more of an explanation than the total value combined was only about $150. "Go ahead" he said.
So my 40 minute errand run took the best part of 2 hours.

Ah well...

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