Happy Christmas

Introducing Gary. Katie's much loved New guitar. 

I woke her up this morning as I was too excited to leave her to sleep. This year has been shit in many ways and I was determined today would not be. Last Christmas was epically shit. I was determined this would not be. We jumped in the car in pjs and oodies. We ate chocolate on route. We went to the beach. We paddled. We found sea glass. We came home to bacon rolls and hot baths. A stocking present. Off to church, where she was playing in the band and I was handing out mince pies. We came home briefly, to deposit instruments and it happened to fall in line with when B was passing so we did doorstep gift exchange. Straight off to our friends for a glorious lunch and relaxed time. So happy. We walked home in the setting sun to open presents. A bit of video call to family to do the presenting together. And then.... The highlight of her day. She discovered her main present hiding behind he Christmas tree. Her beautiful guitar who is now known as Gary. She cried in joy. 

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