Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Keeping a low profile

Not difficult during Christmas week. The virtual office is as silent as the grave (although if a cemetery is on an airport flight path that isn't a very good metaphor any more - just saying). 

I had seven emails today, two of them junk and the other five from me where I had blind copied myself in for action. It was so quiet that I decided to address the IT nightmare beneath my feet and so ripped everything out of my office, installed a second monitor and recabled everything. Much better now on every level, particularly switching between work and personal systems and accessing my Fire TV box and blu ray player. 

It pretty much rained all day and was very windy so photographic opportunities were limited.

The Dizzle got some expensive golf clubs. Never understood the attraction of the game myself. Why don't they just make the holes bigger if the aim is to get the ball in? Talk about making life difficult for yourself.

We had been invited to yet another party in London tonight but we are both shattered after such a busy, boozy Christmas. A shame because we would have loved to have seen people.

New Year's Eve beckons. The most overrated night of the year. Think we will go for a two parter on our own (board games followed by a movie) - again we have invites but I can't stand all that waiting around for twelve o'clock. We should celebrate the Tel Aviv New Year as they are three hours ahead of us so we can do it then go to bed at 9.30. Maybe I'll suggest that to TSM. In Israel the New Year is known as Sylvester: 

Israeli New Years, most commonly known as Sylvester, is named after an anti-Semitic pope. Not exactly what you’d expect in a Jewish state.

It's origins come from Pope Sylvester, whose saint's day falls on December 31st, what is now known as New Years Eve. He served as pope from 314-335 CE, and while very little is known about his actual life,  it is known that he oversaw both the First Council of Nicea as well as Roman Emperor Constantine's conversion to Christianity.

Pope Sylvester convinced Constantine to prohibit Jews from living in Jerusalem, the year before the Council of Nicea convened, and during the council, the Pope arranged for the passing of various anti-Semitic legislation. Some say he is one of the most anti-Semitic Popes of all time.

Maybe we'll stick with Plan A ...

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