Busy motorway

An awful day weatherwise. I really wanted to go a walk so was waiting until the rain stopped but it didn't. I spent the morning reading after shopping. I went out after lunch with my umbrella and had a nice long walk. I walked up to to the motorway and spotted this queue going south. As I crossed the road looking south I noticed that not many cars were going down. I walked to the footbridge and had another look and saw that all traffic going south had stopped top photo in the extra. As I stood watching the traffic started to drive south and I was amazed to see them going quite fast considering the road conditions. Bottom in the extra. I was surprised not to see another accident as the traffic was going so fast especially the lorries and almost squeezing out the cars that needed to change lanes.

I went out to my car this morning and it locked ok!!! I drove to the supermarket and of course the open door light pinged on and stayed on. After I parked up I was able to lock the door but as I walked away the alarm went off. I locked the door on the key and all was fine. I did drive past the garage and it was closed so I will wait till the new year to get it sorted as I'm away tomorrow and hopefully the weather will be better for driving and the traffic not as awful as today. 

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