Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

The High Peak Hog

Today I got out early and did a quick recce of conditions over the Pennines it was cold and the clouds were touching tops obscuring the views so I headed back closer to home.

My mission today was to photograph the cyclists from the Glossop Kinder Velo on their big day. The High Peak Hog is a timed event taking in a large area of the Dark Peak with a choice on the day between a Half Hog (50 miles) or the Whole Hog (82 miles). There are some big ups and downs on both routes but all riders have to conquer The Snake Pass and Holme Moss.

In position looking back down the Snake pass towards Glossop I decided to take photos of as many if the riders as I could. Sometimes I got an individual portrait others were just of groups but once I got going I did manage some reasonably good photos.

The sun appeared briefly so I chose this one which I titled The Peloton among the 64 shots I ended up posting on Flickr. It's reprocessed for Blipfoto as I rushed through them all a little this morning.

Why the High Peak Hog -an excuse to have a Hog Roast in the evening.

Today I'm also doing a Mass Observation Diary - go on do one its not too late ( unless its too late when you read this )

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