A day full

From start to finish; a busy busy day!
A gorgeous sunrise over frosty fields, school run madness, back to collect Nadia, the Ukrainian woman I’ve been helping. We piled her, the little teeny one and her two year old, Devid into the car and off for a medical appointment. Then a trip to the Polish supermarket for her to stock up. She was so excited to find some of the products she’d really missed. I pushed Devid in a stroller I happened to have in the car, whilst Nadia juggled the newborn in a car seat on one arm and a basket full of shopping in the other.
By the time we were done and I’d dropped them home, it was back out to collect A & M.
Anya was awarded star of the week for always being a kind friend. Woo hoo, super proud!
A quick change in the car and off to help out at the school fundraiser disco. Max’s was the first hour, we drove home to feed Anya and back out for her later disco.
No rest for me though as I’d planned a surprise baby shower for my job share partner, Emily. It was with our book club group so only a small group of us but still much appreciated and a lovely little celebration.
The moon on the drive home in the early hours was incredible, reflecting on the white, frost covered landscape. I stopped to take photos (they didn’t do it justice) and my hands were frozen within seconds!
Tomorrow I need a rest, phew!

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