Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Some of the family ..

Little Martha age 2 ( belongs to the baby brother in law of mine ) the other 3 you’ve been hearing about regularly now . They have all gone to a holiday cottage in Norfolk, with adults not alone ;-)) .
We were asked but as gatherings en masse fill me with ABSOLUTE HORROR I impolitely declined with the words ‘are you ******* mad , you know I’d rather perform my own tonsillectomy than share a house with a dozen people ‘ they concluded that they did in fact know this and sent the invite hoping my reply would be more extreme than the last time I replied about cutting my own toes off .
I applaud those people who love a big family gathering , it would be lovely not to feel repulsed but there you have it I am that repulsed human ;-))

Ohhhhh I did enjoy the new knives out film . 7/10 x

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