A snowy morning.
I thought I was going to have a completely sleepless night. Put the light out at midnight and was still wide awake well after two. Came downstairs and made a cup of tea. Thought I might fall asleep on the sofa but no. Went back to bed at getting on for four o'clock and finally fell asleep after five so I haven't been at my brightest today. Snow, which was meant to fall only on high ground fell on us so the bird feeders were busy and everyone looked rather wet and hungry. I thought about doing something useful but didn't. In the afternoon made a token gesture and cleared snow off my car windows, It was pretty wet and slushy but could freeze overnight. Andy came out to do his and I ended up going for coffee which brightened up my afternoon. However, I can feel myself beginning to flag, so I think it will be a very early night tonight. Hopefully normal service will be resumed tomorrow.
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