Boxing (Rugby) Day
Boxing Day in our house is Rugby Day really. With Joshua refereeing we needed to be on our way by 09:30, by we I mean Joshua, Tiana and I. First up was Penryn’s Memorial Ground, spectators pretty sparse for the 2’s match but nothing unusual there. After watching Falmouth 2’s soundly beaten by their local rivals it was a quick pint before heading back to Falmouth’s Recreation Ground.
Same result on the pitch but a different story off the pitch, I watched the first half over a beer but then gave up trying to get into the clubhouse for a refill never mind the bar, so I headed off home.
Mrs S remained with Josh but they too gave up on the beer, Mrs S heading home, Josh and his mate down town. It’s good to see the club busy and I’d been looking forward to seeing local musician Will Keating but I have “a thing” about pressing crowds.
Instead I started one of my Christmas books that I received yesterday.
Another good day.
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