Sid and Pierce

A deer encounter - on our morning walk I took Sid and Pierce across Meadow and into Middleground. We saw four deer running across the far end of the field. I stopped to watch and the deer stopped to watch! Then one of the deer made what I assume to be a ‘back off’ warning noise. They stood their ground so I decided to walk along the hedge instead of across the fields … they followed! Decided to completely back off, very strange behaviour as deer usually run when disturbed. Anyway whilst going through the muddy gateway Sid came off his harness. He scampered off in joy. Deer have gone by now. Harness covered in mud. One of the photos in extras is of Sid and Pierce playing just after this.
Then work. I saw a flock of fieldfares which was nice. Earlier I saw a cute wren on a gateway. Work took longer than expected.
At lunchtime I met B at Edstone aqueduct and we walked the dogs along by the canal for a while. The main photo is Pierce by the bridge. It was nice to be out in the fresh air.
Then back to work to finish off.
Now it is raining and the dogs and I are relaxing on the sofa. They are both snoozing actually ;-)

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