Now where's my tree book
I've got a "thing" about leaves at the mo, wherever I walk I see lovely colours, shades & shapes, the oaks in particular. I knew this leaf belonged to the Oaks, but which one. My phone app was'nt helpful out on the walk around Warwicks with Indie, so I tucked a leaf inside my mobile phone cover and brought it home.
A glorious morning, I got laundry out on the line, walked Indie, sat with Mum for a natter over coffee, then home. Picked out my nags for the afternoons horse racing, followed by an hour spent in the garden, cutting back the prickly rosa rugosa, & leycesteria. Lunchtime, plus an hour of racing, then off to the plot with my kitchen waste. I lifted leeks, pulled carrots, & picked sprouts avoiding the sleety showers by taking cover in the shed.
Celebrity Chase then dinner, cold turkey & bubble n' squeak with cranberry sauce. Yum!
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