
Google Photos, unprompted, keeps showing me photos I've taken in the past and today it popped up this one taken two years ago.  It's Sam and Max with their favorite person, Doug, and it shows that they've adored him from the very beginning.  I thought you would enjoy seeing it again.

Post holiday letdown has begun with getting the apartment ready for the cleaners tomorrow, so I've been doing laundry and dishes and generally straightening up.  I'm sorry to say that the bathrobe I was so excited to receive is actually made to fit a very tall, very large man and there's no way it could be transformed into one that would fit my petite frame.  So it will go back to Amazon and I will keep wearing my trusty old one, faded and worn but still holding up, until a better one can be found.

The temperature has warmed and rain is starting tonight and going all week.  I won't have to go out in it until Wednesday, when I will finally get my EPO shot, and I'm hoping it won't be a downpour.

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