All lit up

Not the best of pics but this house gets plenty of lights.

Hope you've all had a good day, even if maybe not quite what was planned (I know plans can get changed at the last minute, esp these last nearly 3 years).
We were at church for a service, an exremely small congregation but the main bits will go out on Youtube - a new telling of the Christmas story.
Then we entertained 4 people who don't have family to go to to a Christmas lunch, which they seemd to enjoy (and so did we).
A run was needed and I found a few Christmas lights but not as many as last year in this area. One lot was rather random, a lit-up, inflatable octopus, crocodile (or alligator), flamingo and something that seemed to be headless. Seeing as I've some extras left I've added them.
Cooked a meal (saddle of roe deer with various veg) and am now drinking some very nice red wine.
We did open presents before we went out, there will be more on Thursday, and I wore my new running top.

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