Successful day

Thank you all so much for the lovely messages yesterday, I'm still glowing from the sense of achievement I feel.

Today was a bit of a Curate's egg. I tested a brownie recipe which has been donated, but the result was more like a chocolate cake. A very pleasant chocolate cake it has to be said, but not (in my opinion) a proper brownie. Then I tried a cheese and chilli biscuit idea and it worked really well, I'll tweak the recipe slightly I think but it's really very nice. I took 28 down to the pub for the landlord/lady to try. They polished them off between them and ordered 200 for quiz night on Weds! Along with a dozen scotch eggs to try out on the punters. That'll keep me busy then. Lucky I haven't got anything else on at the moment. Oh.

I've just costed everything and promised to plan and cost out some buffet menus for them too. Fingers crossed, this could be a bit of a goer.

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