No-bake chocolate cake…

Baby Anna really hasn’t had a good day and has been to hospital twice today. Her mother is very distraught, her father doing his very best and grandma doing a grand job with all the driving. Many hours of waiting to see doctors, even with a fast-track paediatric team. Wonderfully, it would seem her little body is fighting a viral infection which will just have to take its course, and nothing worse. We have been following her progress all day and now pray for a peaceful and restful night for them all.

Our plans for them to be here had to be postponed and our friend Jenny joined us instead. We watched The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. Wow, what a delightful animation and with a wonderful message!

Then some preparation for tomorrow. It seems there’s always something to do in the kitchen. As in my photo…

Tonight, on the eve of celebrating the coming of God as a baby, God with us, I remember with lots of love in my heart, those I know who will be having a first Christmas without a loved one.

It is now Christmas Day. Greetings to you all.

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