Toast Tents
Among the other pleasures of the day we went out to the Cathedral Cafe in Blackburn for Brunch. As always we arrived a bit later than expected, partly due to meeting old friends coming out as we went in. We were, however, just in time to still buy the Full Lancashire Breakfast, an impressive feast.
I was slightly amused that both Jan and her brother Dave immediately formed their toast into a small tent. Apparently it goes soggy if you don't do this, though I've never noticed this. Family traits are fairly hard-wired!
PS It's been the usual social whirl of arriving in the UK and being with family. So much fun, but no time for blip. (I don't know how HarlingDarling manages to do it all!) So in a brief moment before lunch I blip the 19th to the 22 in one blip-burst!
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