Guard dog

Here is Onken keeping guard. When our son Bryan arrived she didn’t bark and came in in his arms. When James arrived she nearly had a fit and wet her pants ( my floor). She hadn’t met James before and certainly knew which twin was which.

We had another change of plans. James had a negative RAT so we decided it was reasonably safe for him to visit. Because Bryan was having babies ( other family) visiting tomorrow we decided to stay here with James and miss the family dinner at Bryan’s place. It was awful as we felt we had to choose between our children. It is what is it is and not the end of the world to change plans. 

So I had to rethink the menu and made a Pavlova as requested. I made a small one and took it into our elderly neighbour as a surprise. She was thrilled. We started ours tonight and oh boy was it yummy after 10:weeks on my new eating regime. I’ll get back on it after Christmas. 

This morning I called in at our other neighbours and took some almond bread and a big bunch of flowers. They were pleased and came in tonight bearing gifts. It’s nice getting unexpected presents. Even better giving them.

James arrived about lunchtime (3 hour drive from Sydney). He hasn’t been up since March so it’s been great seeing him. 

So other than doing some cooking, washing and a million other things I’m ready for an easy day tomorrow. 

Wishing all blippers a very Happy Christmas Day tomorrow.

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