
By Legacy

The Worst Is Over

Hand Update:
Yesterday at physical therapy this creative little "bandage/brace was the final step.  It doesn't look very important and I forgot what it was called, but it's supposed to help with the healing.  According to the surgeon and the physical therapist I'm doing very well and healing nicely.  The scar on my middle finger is barely visible and I'm working on the thumb to help the scar there.  I can make a fist now but can't really use my thumb for important things like pulling my pants up and I can't put any pressure on it, but it's improving rapidly so by the time Laurie leaves for Indiana on the 9th, I should even be driving again.  The surgeon really did a beautiful job and was able to straighten out my middle finger so I think I can hold a pen again once my thumb heals.  Arthritis had caused my middle finger to start crossing over my ring finger so I wasn't able to write.  I'm really pleased with the result even though I've been told that complete recovery will take months.  I'll continue physical therapy through January.  

  I should be able to hold my camera anytime now.  I've been using my small Sony which was a bit tricky but I managed to get some pictures and have now brought my journal up to date.  

Thanks everybody for your kind wishes and support.  

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