Made it!

But not without incident.  Manchester airport was lovely, everyone was friendly, no queues. Got there in plenty time ( too much time)
Anyway got to airport security. Normally Donald gets pulled for having sharp object or stones in his pockets. This time, the girls made sure he had no possible weapons and he sailed through security.  Me! I got taken aside , given the full body xray then frisked some more then again then they took my shoes and xrayed them. Finally I got let go only to be pulled up again! This time for having a bloody corkscrew in my rucksack.  How the Hell did that get there i thought. Yes you guessed, bloody Donald had put his blooming Swiss army knife in mt bag. The guard said i could have got it back had it not had the corkscrew on it. Blades are fine corkscrew s are an absolute no on. If I wanted it posted home it would cost 30 quid!! The damn thing wasn't worth that so I said bin it. He can buy another one himself I was so mad. After 40 minutes I finally got through security.  
Thankfully the rest of the journey to Majorca went well so were here and settled. 
God night all.

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