
By MrsFred

"Playing out"

Let the dogs out in the garden this morning for their daily mooch about, toy fights, explorations etc.....

Pottered around the kitchens making breakfast, decided to peep out of the window to check on them, and was greeted with the "bellies" aka (Jasper and Jazz) rammed together, snoozing on the bench......bearing in mind they have just got up.....after sleeping all night!!! Had to run and grab my phone to capture the sleeping beauties, by which time Jazz had heard me and curiosity shame got the better of her and she was sat tubby disgraces, good job we love them no matter how idle!!! :)

In other news we're now watching Sir Alex Ferguson's last ever home game at Old Trafford, it's also Paul Scholes last match too so quite an emotional match.....truly the end of an era.....

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