
A big multi-activity expedition which involved cycling, walking and paddling.
We met up at the car park at Linn of Dee at 8.30am and were cycling up to Geldie Lodge before 9am. It was 12.5km, involved a knee deep ford and took 2 hours.
Then, bikes left and another deep ford (and a shallower one) to get to Geldie Lodge.
Next a 15km walk over rough ground, pathless for much of the way, over the Munros An Sgarsoch and Carn an Fhidhleir (and another river crossing where I got slightly wet feet) back to Geldie Lodge.
Finally, the fords again to the bikes and the cycle back (and wet feet again in the final, freezing ford) - quicker going downhill - to get back to the cars at 7.30pm.
It started out dull and cloudy but became sunny with showers (and of course there was one just before we got back meaning we had to pack wet stuff!).
Fish and chips on the way home and beautiful light on the hills, and the clouds, as the sun went down.
The title - Dot was one of the group and she's climbing the 2nd Munro (the slopes of the first are on the right) with Cairn Toul and hills nearby in the background

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