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Bit of a shock when our Tesco delivery turned up at 8:30 this morning (instead of our usual 2pm slot) - both Tim and I had completely forgotten we'd had to pick a different time for the Christmas delivery.  Quite nice to get it out of the way before even starting work though.

Another reasonably relaxed work day.  Still failed to do the one job I've been hoping to get onto this week, but got lots of other bits and pieces cleared, and had a couple of meetings.  Had a nice message from Steve at our publishers, who I've worked with for over 20 years, and who sadly I'll no longer be working with next year, after our move to a different publishers.  We've agreed to keep in touch though :)

Went for an easy photo this evening, using one of the little clip-on phone lenses Tim bought me last year.  Christmas is always good for an emergency blip ;)

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