How its done.

Well I had to wake the jedi after nearly a 15 hour sleep last night.  He must have been exhausted.  I managed to get a good few hours. Woke up with my shoulder had a stretch and then went back over. 

It was a very productive morning in the house. 5 loads of laundry washed and most ironed. Wrapped a few presents for people and then I went for my job interview.  There was 5 people before me that had interviewed.  But I was me , I thought it went ok and within a hour they called me to say I HAD GOTTEN THE JOB . How exciting.  I start in January and it's only part time but at least it will be extra income and means I also get to be around other adults too. 

The jedi hasn't drunk much today but I have gave him a few ice pops to sook on. It will just take time and his wee tonsils are still huge. 
Xander had a good day at school and is looking forward to the school Christmas party tomorrow.  

Ita been a great day . X 

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