I had to be up earlier than usual as I had a psychiatrist appt. While having breakfast these birds were all over the tree, at one point I counted 20. Glad a few sat still for a few seconds.
Psych appt was helpful for once. Getting referred to two different places for support. I have to get assessed for both, so it's not a definite. Now to sit on a waiting list for who knows how long.
Got to get my liver checked at some point as this new med can affect it.
Later on, I wandered down to the Hospice to put a book in their free library box and picked up another one.
My stomach has been better today; as I have worked out the times I don't feel sick is when I am eating or just eaten and not to let myself get hungry. So, I have been grazing hourly. May get a Dr appt at some point, as although it's working today it's not normal to have to do.
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