Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2915. All done….

……and what a difference!

The top two photos were taken earlier this year and the bottom two this month….I can’t quite believe the difference…I know it’s cosmetic but it has made me feel better about how I look…..

I spent 90 minutes in the dentist this morning getting the bits of silicone that kept the retainers in place ground off my teeth…it was a bit unpleasant and took ages but I’m so glad it’s done now.  The dentist also ground the bottom of my two front teeth to make them level again.

Not doing much else today just making our lunch soon and relaxing this afternoon.  No news on my youngest’s job interview yet but he has been given his degree without us having to phone them again.  His profile was still showing the degree “in progress” yesterday but I guess it took them a few days to update their records, no-one ever came back to him to answer his questions.  I’m pretty disappointed in the OU to be honest and it wasn’t what I expected as my experience was so much better but that was over 20 years ago.  Still, he has his BSc and that’s what he wanted so he’s happy with that.

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