Getting 'em dirty

After the almost mono blankness of the recent snow, the weather has perked up tremendously. You'll forgive me, then, if I may have been a little exuberant in processing this shot. It really is a different landscape! Gone is the snow and the ice, and there are still even leaves on the trees...

We took the bikes out for a nice ten mile run around the back lanes; through Michaelwood and up "death by Frog Lane" at North Nibley. This image is just outside Swinhay House, with a delightful dogwood hedged entrance way . You can tell Janet was really enjoying getting out and about...

Winter Solstice tomorrow. Looking at that blue sky and those golden leaves you'd be right to wonder if we'd slipped back to autumn. Or, if you're down in the southern hemisphere of course it'll be summer solstice. However you celebrate, do celebrate. :-)

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