
By TonyG

Ready For The Off

In the car park at Jamie's, a delayed start to my run to Brum.  Tim arrived home this morning to burst pipes and had to cancel his support for Jamie .... ten minutes before I was due to leave!   A hurried re-organisation of plans needed.  An extra complication, Ruth had booked me in for the flu jab in Welshpool at 420, none being available here after my date was scuppered by Covid.   A call to the pharmacy in Welshpool established I could have it an hour later and Jamie and I managed to get all the critical things that Jamie had planned to do with Tim in three hours done in one hour!   So, I made it over the mountains with a few minutes to spare and got 'stabbed.'   

I picked up a few things from Tesco and then made another stop, at the windmill, where I dropped off a card and present for Celia and Iain.   Tea and biscuits to fortify me for the run on to Ruth's which involved an off piste route as there were delays on the M6 after an earlier accident.  Not too awkward but I had to rely on my sense of direction for a while as my satnav had other ideas from me, finally getting to Ruth's at nine, five and a half hours after leaving home.

I'd had a very busy morning of assorted jobs at home, including clearing the little bedroom for Tilda to use over Christmas.  We're looking forward to to seeing her again.   Unsurprisingly tired tonight but will have a more restful day tomorrow.  

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