Water catchers!

Still no water today with an update to say we won't have any for a few days yet. Terrible really.

I managed to organise a water delivery for my neighbour who lives alone and doesn't have Social Media. Someone from the village was doing the rounds for vulnerable people. I don't know if she's vulnerable or not but calling me at 10pm worried about not having water classes her as vulnerable in my book!!

Someone came over to hire my kiln today so we loaded it up together. I'll fire it later when I can be home to close the vent once it reaches the required temperature.

We had lunch with our old neighbours today. I only remembered at 1130 last night as I was drifting off to sleep!!!! I'd double booked with my last pottery class that was cancelled last week because of the snow. So emailed the studio and asked if I could attend the evening class and they said that was fine.

So I turned on the kiln aka Fired up the Quattro and left for pottery leaving Mr W in charge! I was so nervous!! Having someone else's work in a furnace that you havnt fired before is Scary !!

I didn't really enjoy the class as I was with people I didn't know so rushed through what I needed to do but realised they won't be ready for Christmas due to the weeks delay. Gutted.

It was a great course that I started in April but glad to be doing my own thing now.

I called into Daughter Number 2 to fill up some water bottles on my way home!!!

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