
Gary (our postie) was very impressed by the amount of snow still lying in the garden - the most he'd seen all the way through his round. If that doesn't deserve recognition, I don't know what does. the weather has gone doolally tap, the driving rain arrived on a warmish breeze and it's positively balmy outside.

Finally, does anyone know why the smoke alarm battery that needs replacing is one of those strange square ones that nobody keeps a spare of? It was a faff getting the damn thing down in the first place, it's attached to the mains (as well as having a battery) so it's more substantial then the easy ones that fall off if you give them a hard stare. I'll have to go out and get one of these batteries tomorrow - I was going to hold off getting shopping until later in week so now I'll be making a couple of trips. But at least the snow is gone.

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