A change in weather
I realised when I woke up this morning that although I consider myself to be over my cold, my throat has been very sore and my glands are very swollen. So I phoned my doctor's surgery to make an appointment to get checked. As we received a letter from the surgery last week to say they have additional appointments available due to teaming up with other local surgeries, and also have phone call appointments, patients will be able to get appointments over this winter period. I never got to speak to anyone, was left waiting listening to hideous muzak for 20 minutes and so eventually I gave up. It's hopeless - I have not been able to get an appointment at our local surgery since pre-Covid days. There was a comment on our local chat group from someone in our area saying it's quicker to go to medical school and get yourself qualified than wait for an appointment with a local GP surgery! I tried to book an online appointment through the NHS Livi app but was told no appointments were available. So I booked a private appointment at another practice and got an appointment for lunch time. It seems that one cannot depend on NHS GP surgeries for appointments anymore, possibly one can rely on the NHS for A&E cases - however there are now over 7 million people waiting for surgeries, the situation is dire.
Anyway the doctor confirmed that I have pharyngitis as a post-cold infection, and gave me an antibiotic to clear up the infection.
I had a miserable walk with Xena this morning, it was raining, the wind was blowing the rain in our faces and she hated it more than I did! She kept trying to shelter under a bush and sat there blinking her eyes against the rain, looking quite miserable and pathetic!
I went to get some groceries and was hoping to buy some Christmas food already but the sell by dates are long before Christmas so I have to go back again, probably a few times. Plus they had no custard and some other ingredients I require.
With the boys coming home I don't just have Christmas dinner to think about, it's all the other meals too, so I have been planning meals and have a long list of groceries to buy. The Christmas dinner is the easy part!
Tonight I feel like slumping on the sofa and watching TV - I never slept well last night with my sore throat - I am enjoying Tokyo Vice and I have the last two episodes to watch.
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