From Day to Day....

By GuernseyGirl

I love this nativity!

We had our candlelight Carol service tonight and it was lovely. We sang in the choir and I wrote a poem as I do often. Here is my poem…sorry a bit long! Have a great week!

What was that noise said mum
As she was busy cooking tea
It sounded like something had fallen
She'd better go and see
There on the floor in the lounge
Lay the Christmas tree baubles and all
And from underneath crawled the cat
Tail hung down and looking forlorn
She decided to wait till dad came home
He'd be sure to sort it out
The children could help him redecorate
However she did have a some doubt....
About how it would look
When it was done
You see dad had no idea for design
And nor did both their sons
But She left them to it and was surprised
As it didn't look that bad
The job was done and looking good
Thanks to the boys and good ol dad
The presents had yet to be wrapped
And the cards to be written too
With only a week before Christmas day
She felt in a bit of a stew
Dad worked late the kids were tired
And she was feeling the strain
She had so many things to do
It was starting to mess with her brain
The day arrived and the turkey looked good
The sprouts and potatoes too
The table was beautifully set
And everything was tickety boo
Grandad slept in front of the telly
Granny watched the kings speech
Dad bless him did the dishes
But the kids did nothing but screech
Soon it was turkey sandwich time
Mince pies and Christmas cake
A trifle made by Granny
Oh and a bit of tummy ache
But the sad thing is throughout the day
No thought was given to the reason
For the celebrations that they held
To them it was just another season
That came round every year
When parties, gifts and food
Took centre stage in their lives
But was it he wrong attitude?
However, do we celebrate as we should?
Do we remember the baby born
In a humble stable amongst cattle
No crown did his head adorn
Yet here was child born to be king
Laying in an animal feeding trough
With Mary and Joseph wondering
Was this really good enough
But this humble birth was special
And really meant to be
It was a sign that he was just like us
No pomp and circumstance did he need
He came to earth as a baby
And when he was a young man
He went to the cross and died for us
It was all part of God's great plan
Don't leave him out of Christmas
His birth was a special event
Like no other in history
For it was from heaven he was sent
There's never been a greater gift
Than that of baby Jesus that day
So give him the best gift you can give
Ask Jesus into your life and say
That you want forgiveness for your sins
And he will wipe the slate clean
Do it today and you'll experience
The best your life's ever been
Don't leave it, don't delay
It's the best thing you can do
He loves and cares for all of us
Especially for you!

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