Ice rink

Sunday 18th December 2022

Messy Church again this morning, it was great fun. Then on to the morning service, followed by a baptism. Unfortunately I then had an outdoor service and the wind chill made it icy cold, it went right through me and I can't get warm. 

It was a quick turn around this afternoon to be back for our 4pm carol service. We had to have it earlier today in order to have an organist. It went really well, with lots of people. 

Most people had left when someone returned to say that during the service their car had slid on the ice in the car park (on its own) and was touching another. We went out to look. The ice was terrible and I got caught on it, I was sliding uncontrollably. Thankfully I managed not to fall and slid to the railing for safety. This is a reflection of the two cars on the ice. 

After sorting the cars I discovered that the cold had killed my car battery and I needed a jump start to get going. I then took it for a drive, hopefully charging the battery enough for the morning. 

Quite a day! 

8 sleeps, 10 services left!

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