gingerbread street

We’d cancelled a little party with friends today which was supposed to involve cheesecake and a gingerbread cottage. Having cancelled to avoid spreading germs I baked the cheesecake and it’s headed to the freezer for next weekend. I wasn’t keen to let the children do gingerbread construction together on account of the recent bug but we made small individual houses which they called Bullivant St. Isaac’s wasn’t that small actually - he designed a skyscraper which promptly collapsed under the weight of jelly tots and bling. Not sure how successful the germ avoidance was on the basis that Isaac was licking pretty much everything. Advice to reader: never accept any offers from our children to share their gingerbread - it’s simply not worth the risk.

Gratefuls: online church and advent activities whilst we avoided the general public; watercress soup for lunch; the children showing kindness to one another.

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