A lot of snow disappeared overnight but on the way over to Mum's in Morecambe there is still quite a bit in fields and on the pavements. Mostly slushy but turning to ice so do be very careful out there. The roads were fine though so we got over to Mum's no problem.
My lovely Niece from Skipto wit her hubby and children were due to arrive at some point today to pick up and deliver presents. My sister and her boyfriend were there so that was lovely to see them. After lunch we left about 1.00 pm, sadly my Niece hadn't arrived by then but we needed to go so we didn't get to see them. Apparretly they arrived about an hour later.
It was raining hard, icy rain on the way home. We stopped off at Levens Kitchens on the way home for home-made cinnamon bun and coffee. Too big for me so I had to bring half of it home!!!
That's all from me for today. Please do be careful out there because in places it is very slippy.
Take care, stay safe and warm and I will see you tomorrow.
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