
By WhiskyFoxtrot

"So many books, so little time." *

Today is the start of probably the biggest second hand book sale in the UK. It is an event eagerly anticipated here in The People's Republic of Portobello. Preparations are made to have at least two large back packs on hand to transport Dr T's new friends home and we get there early to join the queue (which this morning went around the block) in order to get the best picks.

It really is a remarkable event. There are books of pretty much every conceivable category, a fabulous section of ephemera and a section of jewellery and china which this year included a kimono. Not your average book sale...

Now, Dr T and I have differing philosophies on books. I've moved across the Atlantic a few times and I try not to get too attached to books or to things in general. I like the idea of a Zen-like space, acres of room and blue skies... Dr T likes to keep everything. He has books from his childhood, programmes from football games in the last century, enough CDs to open a library and t shirts that could outfit a battalion (of witty academics).

I opened a book of bets last night on how many books would 'follow' Dr T home. Last year the count was around 25. One year we went to the Edmonton Folk Music Festival and 'because the CDs were cheaper there than in the UK', Dr T brought home 75. The book count today was 'a modest' 32. The thing is - he'll read them within the month. I still haven't read the ones I got last year.

Emboldened by yesterday's blip, I thought I'd try another portrait. This one is straight out of the camera. I'm tickled to say that Dr T likes this and that's a rare thing. Hurrah! Next challenge - portraits of strangers...

* quotation from Frank Zappa

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