mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

Only ended up at Wembley didn't I!!

So sad, our friends' dog died in the night. She was nearly 13 and had had an operation a couple of nights before. My hubby was going to Wembley for the FA cup with my friend's husband and my friend and I were going to go shopping and then meet up with the OH's for dinner and stay overnight.
Of course we got a call this morning to say they couldn't come - they were too upset. Understandably - our dog died last September and we still get upset so we went on our own and I found myself at Wembley for my first football match!!
What a great game! After 5 mins I found myself wanting Wigan to win. They seemed to want it more although they wouldn't shoot at goal!
They won 1-0 in the end! Major upset! On paper it should've been Man City.
Great day out. Now waiting for a pizza to finish the day. :-)

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