jeni and the beans

By themessymama

One man and his digger....

Just a quick one today before the laptop battery runs out. Bear on Bean's digger (one of his 2nd birthday presents, lucky thing!). Bean went to a birthday party over lunch and Bear and I had some quality mummy-Bear time playing in the garden. This was after we'd done some quick-fire painting and drawing to make birthday cards for today's two birthday boys. More on that on the blog!

Bear has spots all over him at the moment. They don't appear to be chickenpox or measles or anything like that, looks like it's yet another viral or allergy rash poor thing. Tiny little red pinpricks, all over his body. Seems in very good spirits though and not itchy at all.

Bean was sick last night though. It all seems to happen at once. Well, it all seems to get worse all at once, it seems very rare that we're all actually healthy at the same time. At least he was only sick the once, we think it was exhaustion. His tummy has been a bit delicate today but he's still managed an hour on the bouncy castle and then almost three hours on a trampoline....

Lovely time at the second birthday party this afternoon (same family!) with a barbecue. The rain held off until it was almost time to light the candles on the cakes - prefect timing! Great to see the extended family again too :)

Now it's time to prep for tomorrow, and hope that Bear sleeps soundly until we're done. We can hope can't we!

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