There's Still A Lot Of It About

Snow I mean, with possibly more forecast for Sunday.

We did get out. I had to. Mrsfb had been dusting and putting decorations up all morning, with non-stop Michael Bublé in the background. I just couldn't take any more.

We walked down to the GP surgery to pick up some hearing aid batteries, from the dispensary. I got my blip while I waited outside for mrsfb. Then on down to the town to collect our prescriptions from the chemist.  I find it strange that we are not allowed to get our medicines from the GP dispensary which is only 2 minutes walk for us. We can only go to a chemist. Ours not to reason why.

The main roads are clear now but the side roads and pavements are still a bit dodgy in places.

One year ago:
Checking The Lights

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