My earliest ever blip!

Taken at 3.54am when I looked out the window and saw that it was snowing for the first time this winter (in this area).

By mid-morning it had turned to sleet which didn't last long, and now it's just a slushy mess. I've only been out briefly to load some bags into the car for tomorrow's move back to Pookie-Minty-Leo's.

Having had no water at all yesterday, I have at least got cold water today. I'm planning to turn off the water supply to my flat tomorrow to avoid the risk of a burst pipe while I'm away, even though the temperature has risen slightly..

With concern for my 82-year-old neighbour who has had no water since last Saturday, I submitted an online report to Scottish Water's website yesterday afternoon, but have had no response whatsoever. I know they're probably inundated with calls in this weather, but it's still disappointing not to receive even an acknowledgement.

Hope all blipmates stay warm and dry over the weekend.

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