Old Blush

A quiet day, with a little time spare to wander out in the garden, and give the bird feeders a long-overdue clean and refill (they stank). Not surprising that they have not been visited in a while.
Rose 'Old Blush' blossoms through almost any weather. I liked the layers of fresh and withering petals here.
I picked Frieda up from preschool in the afternoon. She emerged, full of excitement, from a 'last day of term' Christmas party.  We came back to ours for some playtime and then tea together.  Unusually for her, she was keen to build something with the big wooden blocks we have in a downstairs toybox. A castle came first, followed by a jail.  'Who's in the jail?' I asked. 'Someone who hitted someone else' she replied. She's a very logical child, and both the verb formation and the identified prisoner made total sense.

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