Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

In Praise of Sunlight

I lift up my arms
In praise
Of sunlight
I spread my wings
And rise
On thermals
Of sunlight
I spread my leaves
To catch
Life-giving rays
Of sunlight
I dart
Fins flashing silver
Through relections
Of sunlight
I lie
My scales
Soaking ip the warmth
Of sunlight
We all
Creatures of the day
Depend on,
The sunlight

Terry Rhiannyr
May, 2013

Been a busy day one way or another and Bardy had kept to the greenhouse again sheltering from the awful cold wind we've had blowing. He's eaten well but there's been a lethargy about him today, a slowness. As though he is waiting for something but doesn't know what. Is it a curse or a blessing not to know what is wrong with you, is it a curse or a blessing when you do know?

This afternoon I spent in the garden working and the sun shone intermittently and Bardy sat looking out through the glass as the sunshine lit the grass where he would normally lie when it's sunlit and I stood and watched him and mourned his lost exuberance. Maybe he was simply being more sensible than I, knowing that the sunshine was there only for a short time, so why bother shifting from his warm spot. he's a cat after all and cats are infinitely sensible... or so he's told me ;)

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