
By NinjaShoe

No Seamstress

Feeling happy and confident today I decided to finish the cushion crochet project that I started a while ago.   My Grandma was a seamstress = so runs in the blood right?

No.... I totally overestimated my ability to stitch a one  piece of square material to one piece of square crochet.

This apology for a sewing machine drove me crazy, first time I'd used it but it was far too small and light to manipulate the material around, kept stalling, thread breaking.  I've been at it ALL DAY and to add insult to injury each time it happened I had to call another member of my family to thread the needle again.

Thanks to my nearly 50 year old eyes I can hardly see the needle let alone the b****** hole in it.  Grrrrrrrr.

I did have to stop in frustration in the end (I hope my tearing apart of the material from the crochet isn't irreparable) in retrospect.  

A very long dog walk with a lovely friend, in the amazing stormy light  has restored my calm, but that sewing machine is going in the bin.

P.S. Just added the most amazing photo to the stormy set - outside our house sun and rainbow noticed whist we were eating, ran outside to catch it - wet feet.   Should have been the blip...

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