
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I was quite bossy today. Just so you know it's not like this comes naturally to me. It's just that I like things to be clear at work and they are not. 

Drew seemed quite pleased that I was being bossy. It sounds like he's been trying to get answers for a while and me channelling my inner Shenée helped him get some.

Incidentally, Shenée was the most charmingly bossy person I ever met. She could get us all to do anything, but made you feel like you were doing it because she was your mate and not your boss. Her technique was typically like this:

"Oh Stoffy I need your help on something because you are SO A-MAY-ZING."

Then when you did the thing she would give EXTENSIVE praise. You know how you train dogs? Like "WHAT a goo' boy! WHAT a clever boy!"

It was like that, but I was Shenée's goo' boy.

You came away feeling good about yourself and yet still doing her entire bidding. I don't know if she thought I didn't notice, but I did. And still I didn't mind. Actually it made me feel really good. 

So today I used similar techniques on Debbie and Ed. I mean, it's not like I FLIRTED with Ed the way Shenée used to flirt with me (and everyone in her team) but I was extremely complimentary about his work. I could see him fluffing up his feathers and before long he was doing my bidding.

As for Debbie, I promised her ice-cream. Soon she will be MINE. 

While I was doing all this, Caro had to go out. She had booked Digi the Cat into the vet to get her chipped, wormed, vaccinated, all the things. It seemed to go pretty well, although Digi did manage to escape and get under the vet's drawers* and had to be retrieved by the vet (see the picture).

I suppose Caro and I had similar days really. Both of us herding cats. Soon I will have Ed and Debbie wormed, chipped and fixed too. And if I keep on Shenée-ing them, they might even enjoy the experience.


* Oh behave.

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